A wise professor once said that any idiot can write a strategy; implementing it takes skills and experience.
Ingemann & Co can help you develop your strategy and put it into action so it will felt on your bottom line and can be impact both your targets and must-win battles.
Our methods are inclusive yet uncompromising in how we focus on helping you reach your goals. Working closely with management we establish a small and efficient executive committee of relevant employees to ensure involvement, knowledge sharing, and ownership from the very beginning. This ensures that important information or strong ideas are not overlooked in the process, and it greatly facilitates the subsequent strategy implementation.
We produce a detailed and realistic timeline clearly indicating whom from the company or organization needs to contribute and when, which may seem obviously, but is often under-prioritized in many strategy processes which consequently take up far too many resources.
Ingemann & Co guarantees we will deliver as and when promised so you know exactly when your new or adjusted strategy is ready to implement, and we can help you carry out the strategy implementation as well.